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Title SKU Also known as Short Description Inquiry
RXSOL-15-1501-210 Can be used for all types of cleaning and degreasing and may be applied by brush, handspray, high and low pressure washing machines etc. Inquiry
RXSOL-22-2214-025 Very effective ship hold cleaner and degreaser. Its heavy molecular surfactants rapidly react with water and produce effective cleaning solution. May be applied by brush, hand spray and by high and low pressure Inquiry
RXSOL-20-2029-020 RXSOL Solvent-based tank cleaners is highly effective to remove tough residues. Inquiry
RXSOL-20-2103-025 Purified Methanol treated with SILVER NITRATE to make chlorie FREE. Usefull for cleaning operation where chloride free surface lavel required. Inquiry
RXSOL-18-1016-025 Screen Printing Photography Chem Inquiry
RXSOL-70-7004-020 Specifically intended for treatment and reduction of corrosive smoke , carbon and soot deposits formed on exhaust valve seats and turbocharger components. Inquiry
RXSOL-15-3007-005 It is Powerfull concentrate 2 in 1 Liquid also suitable for Suitable for cleaning dishes and exhast gas deposits. Excellent for sinks, basins, shower tubs etc Inquiry
RXSOL-17-1013-100 Sorbent Pads Inquiry
RXSOL-15-2001-020 Oil Grease Remover Inquiry
RXSOL-22-2213-220 Lime out cleaner for changing hard deposits of LIME into loose bond in sludge formation, chemically its neutralizing lime of alkali and breaking solid deposited bond of LIME from ship cargo hold and storage tanks. Inquiry
RXSOL-41-1436-025 Heat Transfer water mix propylene glycol liquid for Closed Loop Havac system, VSD cooling system. Inquiry
RXSOL-25-2210-210 Polymer BASED non reactive coating materials which makes thin film barrier on surface after dry. Due to formation of RXSOL THIN barrier film on surface, the cleaning operation after unloading becomes quicker and easier with optimum results. Inquiry
RXSOL-20-2005-020 Exceptional solvency power on soil and oily matter and having good foaming qualities. Inquiry
RXSOL-20-2001-025 Quickly removes oil, grease, gimres, adhesive and dyes. Best results also achieved forcleaning of oil side of fuel and lube oil heat exchangers. Inquiry
RXSOL-37-3703-050 Di-calcium Phosphate also known as Dibasic Calcium Phosphate is a calcium phosphate which is di-hydrate and it is converted into Anhydrous from thermally. Inquiry
RXSOL-12-3001-050 Very effective and suitable for loading washing machine and for manual wash . Formulated with with optical brightener to further brighten clothing, Softening agent and pleasant fragrance to ensure clothing are soft and fresh after rinsing and spin dry Inquiry
RXSOL-20-3001-025 Engine room and deck cleaning and degreasing chemical which is very effective to dissolve oil grease deposits and spill parts. Inquiry
RXSOL-50-5003-020 A concentrated solution of surface-active polymers which is use as an internal sludge conditioners in boilers. Boiler Coagulant prevents the formation of deposits on boiler internal surfaces. Inquiry
RXSOL-70-7006-020 This is antivanaduim and protect system from SODIUM problem . It is specifically intended to prevent damage of exhaust valve , formulated for treatment and reduction of corrosive deposits formed on exhaust valve seats and turbocharger compone Inquiry
RXSOL-50-5002-020 Concentrated liquid alkaline product for corrosion and Calcium scale control in boilers. Inquiry
RXSOL-50-5015-025 It is a specially engineered condenser coil cleaner and brightener. this product is recommended for use in hotels, commercial complexes, hospitals, shipyards and any air-conditioning workshops or establishments that services air conditioning systems. Inquiry
RXSOL-20-1011-020 Powerful rust cleaning surface brightning agent. RXSOL powerful and fast chemical reaction easily restore original luster and glow to all metals. Inquiry
RXSOL-17-1012-025 Bio-degradable Emulsifier and low aromatic based product with excellent efficiency and low toxicity with superior penetration. This product is specially designed for complete emulsification of oil by which subsequent dispersion takes place. APPLICATION :O Inquiry
RXSOL-60-6109-005 Potassium Permagnate Pure Lab Grade Materials Inquiry
RXSOL-70-7001-020 Fuel Oil Treatment chemicals also as sludge conditioner Inquiry
RXSOL-22-3020-025 It is a superior FOAM cleaner with an exceptional solvency power on soil & oily matter & having good foaming qualities. It is free from Hydrocarbon solvents , Biodegradable and minimizes the extreme hazards to personnel in handling materials . Inquiry
RXSOL-12-1504-025 For degreasing engine and metal components. Use in garages, sevice stations, workshops, engineeiring, ect Inquiry
RXSOL-21-2126-500 Squeeze Bottles (Plastic - Size 500 ML) Inquiry
RXSOL-16-1057-025 Extremely powerful liquid to rapidly unblock and open drains. This scales remover for sewage pipe lines and evac systems . It contains special inhibitors to make its after on most metals, concrete and plastic surfaces. Drain Blaster cuts down the need to Inquiry
RXSOL-15-1521-010 Carpet shampoo for the interim cleaning of all types of carpet and upholstery. Inquiry
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