Sodium Hypochlorite

Sodium Hypochlorite manufacturer and supplier in India & Middle-East. Sodium Hypochlorite is an excellent disinfectant and can be used for surface disinfection purpose. We also manufacture Hypochlorous Acid for human disinfectant. Hypochlorous Acid as well as Sodium Hypochlorite are non-hazardous and therefore cause no harm to human tissues and other cells. We also keep ready stock of sanitizer.

We are also one of the most reputed suppliers of Ethanol in India and U.A.E.

Click Here for our location details.


 Our valueable products.

Packing: 5 ltr, 10 ltr, 20 ltr, 25 ltr

Stock Point: Mumbai, Gandhidham, Kolkata, Vishakhapatnam, Chennai, U.A.E., Middle-East


