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ProShield Corrosion Inhibitor 900

ProShield Corrosion Inhibitor 900
Product Alias::
Also known as

PermaClean PC 900, RO Corrosion Inhibitor

Supply Location::

RO Reverse Osmosis Corrosion Inhibitor manufacturer supplier distributor in Mumbai, Kandla, Kolkata, Vizag, Chennai, India, Fujairah, Dubai UAE, Muscat Oman, Kenya Africa. Get the best quality of RO Reverse Osmosis Corrosion Inhibitor at a competitive price from us. We have ready stock of RO Reverse Osmosis Corrosion Inhibitor in India, UAE Gulf, Oman, Kenya Africa. Contact us for bulk as well as small orders.


is designed for use in RO permeate as corrosion inhibitor for a mild steel distribution system.

Parameters Results
State Liquid
Appearance Clear Liquid
Color Colourless to Green/Yellow liquid
Odor Odourless
pH 4.8 to 5.2
Density > 1.1

Storage and application equipment ( pumps and lines ) should be made of PVC, PE , Teflon or Stainless Steel.

Do not use Aluminum, Brass or Carbon steel in contact with the neat product.

ProShield PC 900 Corrosion Inhibitor is vastly used in the following fields:

  • Industrial Water Distribution Systems – Protects pipelines carrying RO permeate in manufacturing, food processing, and chemical plants.
  • Municipal & Commercial RO Networks – Prevents corrosion in water treatment facilities, desalination plants, and large-scale water storage systems.
  • Cooling & Boiler Feedwater Systems – Helps maintain corrosion-free piping in recirculating water and steam applications.

The required dosage of ProShield PC 900 will depend on water chemistry and metallurgy.

Feeding ProShield PC 900 Corrosion Inhibitor should be fed via a closed system.

A closed system is defined as a system in which fluid is moved from a closed storage vessel into a treated media without exposure to the atmosphere except through normal venting or pressure relief devices.






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