Thymol is only slightly soluble in water at neutral pH, but it is extremely soluble in alcohols and other organic solvents. It is also soluble in strongly alkaline aqueous solutions due to deprotonation of the phenol.
Thymol crystals is used in pharmaceutical preparation as it has antibacterial, antifungal and antiseptic quality. No Preservative or No Chemical is used. It is pure vegetarian product. Thyme oil is used as a germ-killer in mouthwashes and liniments.
It is also used as a preservative in halothane, an anaesthetic, and as an antiseptic in mouthwash. When used to reduce plaque and gingivitis, thymol has been found to be more effective when used in combination with chlorhexidine than when used purely by itself.
A simple way of making the stock solution is to dissolve 30g of thymol crystals in 150ml of isopropyl alcohol. I find this is best done in a wide necked airtight container, such as a honey jar. This makes it easy to remove a teaspoon of solution without spilling.