Hematoxylin (Ehrlich) solution contains the dye, hematin and the Aluminum potassium sulfate as a mordant which provides the stain colour (blue) glacial acetic acid controls the pH of the Solution. It can be used as nuclear counter stain (as in PAS staining etc.)
Haematoxylin is the most common routinely used dye in the histopathology. It stains the nuclei, and in combination with the cytoplasmic stain eosin, it provides good contrast. Haematoxylin also stains collagenous material, minerals and myelin fibres. Haematoxylin is oxidized to haematein which is a weak anionic dye.
Hematoxylin (Ehrlich) reagent is suitable for immunohisto chemical application. It is the slowest of progressive stains. For histochemical purposes, the progressive staining is commonly used in which dye selectively stains the nuclear chromatin without staining cytoplasmic structures.