Product Notes


Recommended dilution is: 20 1 ltr. Of water. When use a 5% consultation, RXSOL-13-1015 will clean and Sanitise the surface. Spray RXSOL-13-1015 onto clean cloth or sponge. Apply RXSOL-13-1015 to all surfaces to be clean like (sink, tub, tiles etc.) Mildly scrub to clean durt, stains etc. Pay special attention to taps, soap holders and other metal surfaces. The flush handle toilet seat coverand the other bowl need to be clean and wiped with RXSOL-13-1015 After the bathroom floor using RXSOL-13-1015, start from the far end and work back towards the door. For day today maintenance RXSOL-13-1015 can also be use with spray-and-wipe method.

2ndly you may also try this method :::

For wet mopping, take the solution in bucket and mop, taking care to rinse the mop frequently. Alternatively, scrub the floor using either a scrubber-drier or a scrubber . Pick up the dirty solution using a wet vacuum cleaner. 

* Does not cantain any scrapping, hence will not scrach bathroom surfaces.
* When use as recommended (for normal soiling), Concentrated RXSOL-13-1015
* RXSOL-13-1015 is useful for removing skin oils, stains, dirt & marks.
* Cleans and sanitises is one action.
* Bathroom fittings clean and shining
