Product Notes

Activated carbon impregnated with NaOH solution was shown to have the optimum H2S removal efficiency.  H2S adsorption via Alkaline RXSOL CARBON was five times that of a corresponding fresh activated carbon. 

Impregnated activated carbon removes gaseous pollutants via an irreversible reaction between the additives and pollutants. Hydrogen sulfide can be effectively captured by impregnated activated carbon and converted to sulfur when the operation temperature is between 24–170◦C.

The adsorption equivalent of H2S is nearly 1 (mol-H2S/mol-AOH). Which can be easily understood with this reaction H2S + AOH → AHS + H2O 

Our experiment shows that adsorption capacity of activated carbon directly affected by specific surface area, pore size distribution, pore volume, and surface functional groups.
