Product Dose

Recomeded dose is 1-5% solution depends on cleaning nature. For oil and grease remover from metal surface use 2 to 5 % Solution. For normal cleaning or deodorant purpose use 1% solution. For Germ killing 0.5% solution.

Using Procedure : -

For oil and Grease removing from Machinery , spare parts, spray the solution on surface and wait for 5-10 minutes. After that rub the surface with brush or wash with High Presseure machine.

For Nut Bolts - Make the solution 2% and dip in solution for 10 minutes. Wash with water.

For oily floor spray the solution , wait for few minutes. Reaction will start. Rub with plastic brush and flush water.

For Toilet - pour the solution in toilet bowl . Wait for some time and flush water. If

This is suitable to use for remove Oil grease from any type of surface, machinery, engine rooms. It can use as a deodorant and cleaning of Toilets, bathroom etc.

Future & Benefit : -

Easly soluble in cold and hot water.
Kill Germs and clean the surface
Due to powder easy to  cayy and transport.
Mask the bad odor
Easy to handle
Use as mulipurpose cleaner.
Can use for any surface metalic and non metalic, floor, tiles etc.
