Product Dose

The initial dosage for an untreated system is 8 liters of product per 1000 liters of water.

In particular, RXSOL-40-4028 creates an insoluble polymeric surface complex on copper and its alloys, and also reacts with copper in solution. RXSOL-40-4028 also works synergistically with other inhibitors to effectively control the corrosion of steel and aluminium in the system.

Control and dosage of RXSOL-40-4028 - The dosage of RXSOL-40-4028 required varies widely with different applications.

RXSOL-40-4028-025 is water treatment chemicals and cleassified as a cooling water treatment chemicals. RXSOL-40-4028-025 principally works as corrosion inhibitors in cooling water treatment chemicals.

RXSOL-40-4028-025 most commonly used as a corrosion inhibitor for open closed cooling water systems.
