Product Dose

Morpholine is organic chemicals which have amine group and basic in nature. Morpholine is water soluble and most commonly used as vegetable and fruit coating chemicals compound as morpholine approved by FDA  to use as coating on food item.

Morpholine also used in Bolier steam industries as pH balancing compound to provide corrosion protection towards all metalic surface concern. Its uses is very simple as morpholine is water soluble in all proportion. Morpholine also can be use with hydrazine and others Boiler Water Treatment Chemicals.

Shellac easily dissolved in Morpholine during fruist and vegetable coating process, Now a days wax coating process is common to protect fruits and vegetable from fungal / alage contamination.

Also widely used as a fruit coating ::: 

Morpholine is used as a chemical emulsifier in the process of waxing fruit. Naturally, fruits make waxes to protect against insects and fungal contamination, but this can be lost as the fruit is cleaned. A small amount of new wax is applied to replace it. Morpholine is used as an emulsifier and solubility aid for shellac, which is used as a wax for fruit coating.


Morpholine derivatives used as agricultural fungicides in cereals are known as ergosterol biosynthesis inhibitors.


CAS number       : 110-91-8
UN number      : 2054
Formula       : C4H8ONH  or C4H9NO
Odour      : AMINE LIKE
Solubility in water      : COMPLETE
Density        : 1.002   at 20 OC
Boiling point          : 128 OC
Melting point       : -5 OC
Viscosity         :  2.23 cp at 20 OC
Flashpoint       : 37 OC
Explosive limits     :  
Vapour pressure       : 11 mbar at 20 OC
Skin absorption/irritation           : YES
TLV       Country  NL             Year  1995        : 20 S ppm              70 S     mg/m3
Pollution category    1994        :  D