Product Dose

on completion of degreasing CLEANING OPERATION if  rust / scale ( water )  stains from metal surface ,use 10 to 50% of RXSOL-16-1011-RR-210 with  fresh water for 20 -30 minutes .  For detailed instruction pl. click on this link     .

Appearance                                 : Clear & Colourless fLiquid
Specific gravity (200C)                :  1.21
Flash point  cc                              :  None

R 34    : Causes burns.
S 26    : On contact with eyes,Wash eye ball immediately with plenty of water and seek medical advice.

Note : Also can be used for Disc cleaning without dismantling disc stacks 
         : Improves efficiency of centrifuge installation.


Very effective products to removes rust and stains also improves metal appearance.

Direction for use
For rust removal the surfaces to be treated should be free form loose materials, flaking paint, dirt or oil. In most cases diluted solution of RXSOL-16-1011-RR-210 , can be applied by brush ranging from 10-50% and left to react for 5 - 40 minutes then  the residues should be rinsed off thoroughly with clean water jet . Smaller objects can be soaked in plastic container. After cleaning, rinse items thoroughly with a water jet.

• For aluminium , only diluted solution up to 10 - 25% can be used and rinse with in 10- 30mins.
• For stainless Steel Disc Cleaning (never use on copper, brass or bronze parts), dilute to 4 - 10 parts water, and immerse 
  from 1 - 3 hours depending on the severity of the job concerned. Cleaning will be accelerated with elevate4d temperatures
  up to 60°C and agitaion. After cleaning rinse thoroughly with clean water.

For best performance on aluminium use RXSOL Degreaser for degreasing as it has a neutral pH. Paintwork :
RXSOL-16-1011-RR-210  should be diluted with water  1:4 . Then solution can be applied by brushing, spraying
for  10 - 20 minutes the residues should be rinsed off thoroughly with high pressure  water.


Do not eat, drink or smoke while handling it; wash carefully with soap and water before meals and after work shift; as shower is recommended
