Pendimethalin 30 Herbicide

SKU: RXSOL-94-9453-003

Pendimethalin is an herbicide of the dinitroaniline class used in premergence and postemergence applications to control annual grasses and certain broadleaf weeds. It inhibits cell division and cell elongation. Pendimethalin is listed in the K1-group according to the Herbicide Resistance Action Committee (HRAC) classification and is approved in Europe, North America, South America, Africa, Asia and Oceania for different crops including cereals (wheat, barley, rye, triticale), corn, soybeans, rice, potato, legumes, fruits, vegetables, nuts as well as lawns and ornamental plants.


Pendimethalin, Pendimethalin 38%


Pendimethalin protects crops like wheat, corn, soybeans, potatoes, cabbage, peas, carrots, and asparagus. It is used to control annual grasses and certain broadleaf weeds which interfere with growth, development, yield and quality of agricultural and horticultural crops by competing on nutrients, water and light.


In areas where weed infestation is particularly high, yield losses can render wheat production economically unviable. In addition to wheat, a large number of crops are grown in Europe that are a relatively small percentage of total agricultural output. Herbicide options are limited for these minor crops, with few effective herbicides available in the vegetable sector. Long-term field studies performed in Germany by governmental research and advisory institutes together with farmers rank Pendimethalin as an efficient herbicide to control blackgrass, regarding to weed control efficacy, crop yield, treatment costs and environmental impact.

Crops used with: for different crops including cereals (wheat, barley, rye, triticale), corn, soybeans, rice, potato, legumes, fruits, vegetables, nuts as well as lawns and ornamental plants.

Packing Size: 
0.00 Box
Using Procedure: 

Mode of Action of Pendimethalin

Pendimethalin acts both pre-emergence, that is before weed seedlings have emerged, and early post-emergence. Pendimethalin inhibits root and shoot growth. It controls the weed population and prevents weeds from emerging, particularly during the crucial development phase of the crop. Its primary mode of action is to prevent plant cell division and elongation in susceptible species. In the HRAC classification of herbicides according their mode of action, pendimethalin is listed in group K1.


Pendimethalin exposure has been shown to be associated with higher incidence of pancreatic cancer in a controversial study. No compelling data exists that it causes pancreatic or any other cancer. It remains in good standing with the regulatory agencies in virtually all world markets, again where it is enormously economically important and would cost large amounts of resources to stop being used.

Short Description: 
Pendimethalin 30%

Pendimethalin Herbicide manufacturer supplier in Nairobi, Kenya, Africa, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, India. Largest Pendimethalin Herbicide manufacturer in Uganda Kenya Africa, Fujairah, Muscat Gulf Middle East UAE, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, India.

Pendimethalin manufacturer and supplier in Nairobi Mombassa, Africa, Fujairah, Muscat, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, India. Ready stiock of Pendimethalin Herbicide in Africa Kenya Nairobi Uganda.


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