Calibor Foliar Fertilizer

SKU: RXSOL-94-9452-002

Calibor features a unique merger of Calcium and Boron with an accompaniment of organic acids to be utilized towards the plant through foliar application.




Calibor is a liquid complex of Boron and with strong power of penetration and translocation. Corrector of boron and calcium deficiency for all cultivations. It is perfect for fruit quality and development, and physiological disorders.

CALIBOR provides calcium and boron in a single application, thus preventing deficiencies in both elements simultaneously.

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Calibor Foliar Fertilizer manufacturer supplier in Nairobi, Kenya, Africa. Largest Calibor Foliar Fertilizer manufacturer in Uganda Kenya Africa, Fujairah, Muscat Gulf Middle East UAE.

Calibor manufacturer and supplier in Nairobi Mombassa, Africa, Fujairah, Muscat, India. Ready stiock of Calibor Foliar Fertilizer in Africa Kenya Nairobi Uganda.

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