Dimethomorph 9 Fungicide

SKU: RXSOL-94-9451-002

Dimethomorph is a fungicide with systemic function. It is used for treating mildew and root rot caused by organisms such as Pythium and Phytophthora species


Dimethomorph 9%, AFRIBAT 69 WP


Dimethomorph was developed for downy mildews, late blights, crown and root rots for grapes, potatoes, tomatoes, and other vegetables.

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Dimethomorph 9%

Dimethomorph 9% Fungicides manufacturer supplier in Nairobi, Kenya, Africa. Largest Dimethomorph 9% Fungicide manufacturer in Uganda Kenya Africa, Fujairah, Muscat Gulf Middle East UAE.

Dimethomorph 9% manufacturer and supplier in Nairobi Mombassa, Africa, Fujairah, Muscat, India. Ready stiock of Dimethomorph 9% Fungicides in Africa Kenya Nairobi Uganda.

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