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Title SKU Also known as Short Description Inquiry
RXSOL-21-2101-001 Round funnel to transfer liquid from one to other narrow mouth vessel Inquiry
RXSOL-21-2125-036 One No Bottle Inquiry
RXSOL-16-1090-025 Quick evaporation rate and resulting for Cleaningand Degreasing of electrical equipment.It provides immediate and efficient removal with a high evaporation rate. Inquiry
RXSOL-21-2129-001 Pen Torch Inquiry
RXSOL-21-2131-001 Nessler Tube 100 ml Inquiry
RXSOL-61-2825-001 Measuring Tube without Stropper 100 ml Inquiry
RXSOL-21-2109-001 Latex Gloves (1 Box = 100 Pcs) Inquiry
RXSOL-13-1036-005 Well balanced blend of PURE ACID, which is highly effective for all types of tuff stains. Purity of the materials doesn't leaves black / yellow staim on cleaning. Inquiry
RXSOL-63-2202-025 Cement Stain Remover is a premium range of cement remover chemical. Useful to clean and eliminates unwanted Cement deposit from surface. Inquiry
RXSOL-21-2105-001 Cotton Wool Inquiry
RXSOL-21-2128-100 Sticker for Sample Bottle Inquiry
RXSOL-20-2008-025 HCF cleaner supplier in mumbai, jnpt, mundra, sikka, kandla, hazira, kolkata, haldia, ennore, paradip, manglore, kakinada, vizag visakhapatnam, ennore, chennai, krishanpatnam, Fujairah, Dubai, Sharajh Middle east. Inquiry
RXSOL-20-2203-020 PURITY - 99.91% Free from HYDROCARBON & CHLORIDE , suitable for wall wash Inquiry
RXSOL-60-6129-500 Methanol AR Grade Inquiry
RXSOL-61-2862-001 Whatman is creating a centre of excellence in separations technology for the scientific community. Inquiry
RXSOL-22-3005-025 This is specifically formulated for use with high pressure advanced technology cleaning machine. Copmpatible with most painted surface and dries leaving a good shine. Quickly dissolves and removes grease and dirt deposits after emulsfication. Eco Inquiry
RXSOL-31-3021-001 Dry organic chlorine in tablet form giving a high available chlorine base, ensuring an effective sterilising and disinfecting action in slow release form Inquiry
RXSOL-21-2108-001 Vinyl Gloves (1box =100pcs) Inquiry
RXSOL-16-1020-025 Penetrating Oil A very strong cleaner, which can be used to soften up / remove baked on drying oils and Hard coke asphaltic deposition etc. It is low toxic product with an exceptional solvency power on soil & oily matter . It is minimizes the extreme ha Inquiry
RXSOL-14-1016-025 surface sanitiser and cleaner that is effective in reducing bacteria in food preparation,storage and eating areas. Inquiry
RXSOL-16-1077-020 Excellent Cleaner for Electric Parts Having super Degreasing power with slow evaporation rate Inquiry
RXSOL-17-1058-025 This product is specially designed for complete emulsification of oil by which subsequent dispersion takes place. Inquiry
RXSOL-16-1088-025 Excellent pre treatment and binder for metal surfaces to be painted. Concentrated blend of RXSOL proprietory formulated various products, which is specifically designed for the rapid removal of rust, while providing phosphatized ferrous metal surface. Inquiry
RXSOL-21-2116-001 TEST TUBE Stand For100 ml Wooden Inquiry
RXSOL-70-7012-020 Biocontrol RX keeps free from micro organisms which is contaminating fuel storage tanks and systems. Inquiry
RXSOL-20-3018-020 Specially formulated for cargo hold cleaning operations after discharge of oily cargoes carried as dry bulk. Also to remove stains and discolouring after discharge of cargoes such as pet coke, coal, and other oily cargoes. Inquiry
RXSOL-13-1551-010 Stripper for Wooden Floors, Mild but very effective specifically formulated Downing surfaces, very gentle on hands and ideal for cleaning of surface of Wood Work /Cement / Metals. Inquiry
RXSOL-16-1019-005 Highly concentrate water-based cleaner for use as a Biological Toilet Cleaner or general degreasing. It contains wetting a unique biologically active liquid formulation containing specialised bacterial strains, biodegradable low foaming chemical clean Inquiry
RXSOL-15-1017-025 Fully active cleaner specially formulated for the removal of “STICKER” & tuff oily stains residues. Sticker removed and cleaning is actived with out the need for Scrubbing or Brushing which can cause mechanical damages to discs and result in poor perfor Inquiry
RXSOL-22-3019-210 RX Tuff Highly Concentrated Inquiry
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