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Title SKU Also known as Short Description Inquiry
RXSOL-14-3333-333 RXCHEM Inquiry
RXSOL-12-1506-001 It is well balanced blend of nonionic, anionic and amide compound with effective soil releasing agents. Inquiry
RXSOL-17-1059-025 Toilet Bowl Urinal Cleaner Disinfectant Toilet Bowl Urinal Cleaner Inquiry
RXSOL-15-3016-020 DISH WASH GP 20 Ltr Inquiry
RXSOL-15-3007-020 can be used for conventional dishwashing applications. Dilute solution can be applied to the surface and rub with a sponge and then rinse with clean water.For general cleaning, optimum dilutions of 1:30 will be ideal. For oily and dusty surfaces, 1:10 dil Inquiry
RXSOL-16-1001-005 Milky white creamy gel containing natural ingredients, moisturisers, surfactants, and powerful dispersing agents. This is a batter substitute to petroleum products & caustic based detergetns which drain the body oil Inquiry
RXSOL-19-1111-025 Colloidal dispersions of D'limonene cleaning gel, Makes great difference to dissolve Oil, Ink, Grease and other heavy deposited grime particles. 1 Kg Pkg Inquiry
RXSOL-14-1746-180 Petroleum jelly is a a semisolid jelly-like substance. Inquiry
RXSOL-14-8979-025 As per WHO World Health Organization ALCOHOL HAND RUB is beneficial against VIRUS, Bacteria. Inquiry
RXSOL-14-1016-025 surface sanitiser and cleaner that is effective in reducing bacteria in food preparation,storage and eating areas. Inquiry
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