Floor Stripper


Floor Stripper






This is a heavy duty floor polish stripper. It will remove all kinds of floor polishes with ease. It does not matter whether there is 1 coat of floor polish or 10, GLINT STRIP will remove them quickly and easily.

 Benefits : Excellent stain remover for use on tiles, concrete, wood and other types of hard floor .

It can be used on lino, marley tiles, quarry tiles, wood block, etc. A superior heavy duty and highly concentrated SYNTHETIC CHEMICAL blend of detergents,alkaline salts , emulsifier and chelating agents. A new exciting product with a 3-in-one fuction.

As a floor stripper for all types of waxes and furnishes .
As a degreaser where regular cleaners are unsuitable.
Elimates the need to buy and stock duplicate product .

Packing Size : 5.00 Ltr.
IMPA Code : 550501,550502

Active Matter : 38-40 %


How to strip a floor

The purpose of stripping a floor is to remove all the old floor finish off the floor. Over time floor finish can turn yellow andcan build a haze. If burnishing or polishing your floor does not correct this, it's probably time to strip your floors and do a new recoat. Stripping a floor can be a quick and clean procedure if you have the correct tools for the job.The use of a good floor stripper will make your life much easier, it's better to have the floor stripper remove the wax rather than using hard labor. Removing old floor finish is basically a three step process:

Apply the floor stripper and agitate it.
Remove the floor stripper from the floor.
Rinse the floor and neutralize the floor stripper.


